Request Books

boy reading from book pack

If your fam­i­ly would like to have books of your own to read out loud, read on your own, to savor, to make you laugh, to help you learn, please send a descrip­tion of the chil­dren in your fam­i­ly, their ages, the types of books they enjoy, and what cur­rent­ly makes them curious.

A few things to note before you request:

  • At this time, we are only tak­ing requests from fam­i­lies in Minnesota.
  • We aim to pro­vide at least three books per child (though we usu­al­ly send more!).
  • We oper­ate on the hon­or sys­tem: the books are meant for fam­i­lies who do not own them, so please only request if you are gen­uine­ly in need.
  • A Book of My Own will nev­er ask you for pay­ment of any kind.
  • Please allow 6–8 weeks for pro­cess­ing and ship­ping. Requests will be filled in the order they are received.
  • A Book of My Own is not respon­si­ble for lost or stolen packages.
  • At this time, our focus is on serv­ing indi­vid­ual fam­i­lies. We encour­age schools, day­cares, and oth­er insti­tu­tions in need of books to con­tact orga­ni­za­tions like The Free Book Bug­gie and Books for Bet­ter MN.
boy reading from book pack
receiving books from A Book of My Own
Baby exploring board book
A Book of My Own baby loves books
receiving books from A Book of My Own
Father and children reading

A Book of My Own

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