Make a Donation

Family opening their box of books

DONATE BOOKS: If you are inter­est­ed in donat­ing chil­dren’s books, please care­ful­ly read the following.

A Book of My Own is hap­py to accept books that:

  • Reflect the won­der­ful diverse world in which we live
  • Are in new or like-new condition
  • Are for babies through age 18

We are unable to accept:

  • Reli­gious texts
  • Non­fic­tion pub­lished before 2020
  • Books with rips, tears, bent cov­ers, mark­ings, or dam­age of any kind
  • Reference/textbooks

At this time, we are espe­cial­ly in need of high-qual­i­ty board books and books in lan­guages oth­er than English. 


  • Bring to one of our com­mu­ni­ty events

  • Drop off or ship to our office in St. Louis Park

DONATE FUNDS: Your mon­e­tary dona­tion will help pay for ship­ping mate­ri­als and fees, book pur­chas­es, and oper­at­ing costs.

Donate via Pay­pal or cred­it card:

If you’re pay­ing by check, please make payable to “A Book of My Own.”

Con­tri­bu­tions to A Book of My Own will not be ear­marked for any pur­pose, and will gen­er­al­ly sup­port our activ­i­ties to pro­mote lit­er­a­cy across Minnesota.

A Book of My Own was orga­nized as its own 501©3 non-prof­it in the state of Min­neso­ta in ear­ly 2024. All con­tri­bu­tions to A Book of My Own are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by fed­er­al law.

T‑SHIRT or HOODIE: You can sup­port one fam­i­ly with your pur­chase of a t‑shirt or hood­ie from Bonfire.

WISHLIST: We’ve made a list of spe­cif­ic books that we’d most like to include in our fam­i­ly book box­es. You’ll find that Wish­list here.

AUTHORS and ILLUSTRATORS: Would you like to donate your books? Con­tact A Book of My Own to make arrange­ments. We’re delight­ed that you’re con­sid­er­ing this!

Family opening their box of books

“We’ve been home­less … books bring so much joy to the children.”

“You’re an answered prayer.”

mother reading with son
Father and children reading

A Book of My Own

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