Why do you need my address?
We need your address in order to ship books directly to your family. Your address, as well as any additional personal information, will never be shared by A Book of My Own.
How many books will I receive?
We aim to provide at least three books per child.
How old do my children need to be to receive books?
We provide books for newborns up to age 18.
How often can I request books?
We understand that kids need different books as they get older and their interests grow and change. At this time, we welcome families to request books once every calendar year.
My kids don’t know how to read. Can I still request books?
Absolutely! Simply interacting with books is so beneficial for kids no matter their age or ability. You can use your books to practice turning pages, reading pictures, and developing all kinds of important early literacy skills.
How do you choose what books to send?
As book professionals, we know what books are the best fit for each age and ability. We think it’s important for kids to love their books, so we do our very best to make selections that align with children’s hobbies and interests. We may throw in a book that’s a little too hard at the moment, but will likely be something your child will be ready for soon.
How will I know which book is for which child?
You won’t! Books will be in a random order in your envelope/box (really whatever makes most sense for shipping!) Regardless, we purposely don’t specify which books should go to which child. After all, you may have children gravitate toward a book that wasn’t necessarily chosen for them, but could still be something they’d like to read. That’s great! When kids select books for themselves, they’re more likely to read and love them. We also try to send books that we think more than one of your children will like, so you can enjoy reading together as a family.
What do I do with my books when I’m done?
Read them again! Reading books multiple times helps build fluency and comprehension skills. There are also new things to learn and discover with each and every read. It’s great to keep books around, even if your children are no longer reading them — simply building a book-friendly environment encourages a life-long love of literature. If you are certain you will no longer use your books, we recommend donating them to another family in need, your local library, or your children’s school.
What if my children don’t like their books?
We put significant time and thought into every book package we curate and send. Unfortunately, sometimes not every book is a perfect fit for every reader. However, you can request books from us once each year. When you make your second (and third, fourth, etc., request!), let us know what books your reader(s) did or did not enjoy. The more information we have about your readers, the better able we are to select books they will love for a long time.

Thank you so much for all the books!! It has captured my kiddos attention and they thank you as well! The moment we received the books the kids picked one out and ran to their rooms and started reading! They were so excited!
I can’t wait to read to my baby girl and build her collection of books. Thank you so much for starting her library.