
Abby Cooper

A Book of My Own was estab­lished by author Abby Coop­er in fall 2023. A for­mer school librar­i­an, Coop­er is pas­sion­ate about book access and match­ing kids with books they’ll love.

Learn more about Abby’s books at www.AbbyCooperAuthor.com.

Meet the A Book of My Own Board

Eliana Lane

Eliana Lane is a ded­i­cat­ed ele­men­tary and home­school edu­ca­tor with over a decade of teach­ing expe­ri­ence. After earn­ing her M.A. in Ele­men­tary Inclu­sive Edu­ca­tion from Teach­ers Col­lege at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty, she taught fourth grade at the Caed­mon School in NYC until mov­ing to Min­neso­ta in 2020 to become a home­school edu­ca­tor. Eliana builds her stu­dents’ read­ing com­pre­hen­sion through struc­tured lit­er­a­cy foun­da­tions and world-knowl­edge build­ing. As such, she is all about pro­vid­ing access to books that build vocab­u­lary and sup­port the diverse inter­ests, needs, life expe­ri­ences, cul­tur­al back­grounds, and self-expres­sion of the chil­dren she serves.

Elizabeth Mundt

Eliz­a­beth Mundt is a mom of two and ele­men­tary edu­ca­tor on hia­tus. She runs the account and web­site “The Kid Lit Mama,” where she shares children’s books, espe­cial­ly inclu­sive and social-emo­tion­al learn­ing pic­ture books, with her audi­ence of pri­mar­i­ly fel­low parents/guardians and teach­ers. In her free time, she enjoys crafts, home improve­ment projects, and get­ting out­doors with her family.

Colby Owens

Col­by Owens is the Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of Whole Fam­i­ly Pro­gram­ming at non-prof­it Raise the Barr. For the past 15 years, he has ded­i­cat­ed his life to uplift­ing and empow­er­ing under­priv­i­leged pop­u­la­tions. Through com­pre­hen­sive pro­grams and part­ner­ships, he strives to uplift com­mu­ni­ties and break down bar­ri­ers that hin­der progress. Not only is he com­mit­ted to direct­ly impact­ing under­priv­i­leged fam­i­lies, but he’s also ded­i­cat­ed to nur­tur­ing and devel­op­ing oth­er pro­fes­sion­als. His career is a tes­ta­ment to his unyield­ing belief in the pow­er of com­pas­sion, advo­ca­cy, and men­tor­ship to trans­form lives and cre­ate a more equi­table society.

Father and children reading

A Book of My Own

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