dad and son reading a book

Why do you need my address?

We need your address in order to ship books direct­ly to your fam­i­ly. Your address, as well as any addi­tion­al per­son­al infor­ma­tion, will nev­er be shared by A Book of My Own.

How many books will I receive?

We aim to pro­vide at least three books per child. 

How old do my chil­dren need to be to receive books?

We pro­vide books for new­borns up to age 18. 

How often can I request books?

We under­stand that kids need dif­fer­ent books as they get old­er and their inter­ests grow and change. At this time, we wel­come fam­i­lies to request books once every cal­en­dar year. 

My kids don’t know how to read. Can I still request books?

Absolute­ly! Sim­ply inter­act­ing with books is so ben­e­fi­cial for kids no mat­ter their age or abil­i­ty. You can use your books to prac­tice turn­ing pages, read­ing pic­tures, and devel­op­ing all kinds of impor­tant ear­ly lit­er­a­cy skills.

How do you choose what books to send?

As book pro­fes­sion­als, we know what books are the best fit for each age and abil­i­ty. We think it’s impor­tant for kids to love their books, so we do our very best to make selec­tions that align with chil­dren’s hob­bies and inter­ests. We may throw in a book that’s a lit­tle too hard at the moment, but will like­ly be some­thing your child will be ready for soon. 

How will I know which book is for which child?

You won’t! Books will be in a ran­dom order in your envelope/box (real­ly what­ev­er makes most sense for ship­ping!) Regard­less, we pur­pose­ly don’t spec­i­fy which books should go to which child. After all, you may have chil­dren grav­i­tate toward a book that was­n’t nec­es­sar­i­ly cho­sen for them, but could still be some­thing they’d like to read. That’s great! When kids select books for them­selves, they’re more like­ly to read and love them. We also try to send books that we think more than one of your chil­dren will like, so you can enjoy read­ing togeth­er as a family. 

What do I do with my books when I’m done?

Read them again! Read­ing books mul­ti­ple times helps build flu­en­cy and com­pre­hen­sion skills. There are also new things to learn and dis­cov­er with each and every read. It’s great to keep books around, even if your chil­dren are no longer read­ing them — sim­ply build­ing a book-friend­ly envi­ron­ment encour­ages a life-long love of lit­er­a­ture. If you are cer­tain you will no longer use your books, we rec­om­mend donat­ing them to anoth­er fam­i­ly in need, your local library, or your chil­dren’s school.

What if my chil­dren don’t like their books? 

We put sig­nif­i­cant time and thought into every book pack­age we curate and send. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, some­times not every book is a per­fect fit for every read­er. How­ev­er, you can request books from us once each year. When you make your sec­ond (and third, fourth, etc., request!), let us know what books your reader(s) did or did not enjoy. The more infor­ma­tion we have about your read­ers, the bet­ter able we are to select books they will love for a long time. 

dad and son reading a book

Thank you so much for all the books!! It has cap­tured my kid­dos atten­tion and they thank you as well! The moment we received the books the kids picked one out and ran to their rooms and start­ed read­ing! They were so excited!

I can’t wait to read to my baby girl and build her col­lec­tion of books. Thank you so much for start­ing her library.

Father and children reading

A Book of My Own

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